It’s often the simplest ideas that are the greatest, and in the case of Once Wed‘s beautiful DIY votives, it’s certainly the case. The idea came about when Michelle Armas began painting a beautiful canvas, and team were taken in an entirely different creative direction…
“The glass Michelle used to clean her brushes inspired us to paint the insides of these votives for some colorful candlelight. They couldn’t be easier to make. Pick up a case of glass votives from your nearest floral wholesaler or local Target. Scribble watery paint on the inside of clear glass candleholders and don’t try too hard…if you mess with them too much you’ll just make brown. If you’re having a hard time with this project you may need some more wine to help you loosen up. When they’re dry, plunk in a votive. Done!”
Bravo, Once Wed! You’ve certainly got our seal of approval.
The post Simple DIY Painted Votives appeared first on Homemaker.